Tuzoia lazizhaiensis

Positive side with a small part of the fossil

The negative side with most of the fossil showing very long spines

First results after precise bonding

Nach und nach werden
die Pleuren herausgearbeitet

Before the final finework

The final result

Tuzoia is a rare arthropod from the upper to middle Cambrian. This specimen comes from the Balang Formation of China. The species T. lazizhaiensis is especially characterized by long spines and is only very rarely found in complete condition. Another distinctive feature of this piece is the reddish coloration of the fossil itself, which contrasts very nicely with the surrounding matrix.
The fossil is paper thin and very fragile. The “as-found-condition”showed that parts of the fossil were preserved in both positive and negative. The Tuzoia therefore had to be transferred before it could be uncovered, which was a difficult challenge due to the extremely thin fossil substance. Thanks to a precise bonding, the fossil could be prepared as planned. The extremely poor separation required a very careful approach and especially the detail work took quite some time. After completion of the preparation work a nearly perfect specimen of this rare species is present.
Fossil: Tuzoia lazizhaiensis
Locality: Guizhou (China)
Formation: Cambrian stage 4, Balang Formation
Width of the fossil: 4,5 cm (1.8 inches)
Collection: York Yuxi Wang
Work required: 15 hours