Triassic trace fossil

Trace fossil in as-found condition: the matrix tends to be extremely sensitive
and fragile in contact with water or rough handling
Trace fossil in as-found condition:
the matrix tends to be extremely
sensitive and fragile in contact with
water or rough handling

The covering in the marked areas shall be removed
The covering in the marked areas shall be removed

In meticulous work, the coverings can be removed layer by layer
In meticulous work, the coverings
can be removed layer by layer

The trace fossil plate after the cleaning-process - even skin-imprints are visible
The trace fossil plate after the cleaning-process
- even skin-imprints are visible

Reptile tracks are quite an unusual preparation work. Especially when even skin imprints are preserved, being covered by an thin layer of limestone or marl. Because the matrix was susceptible to water and direct mechanical strain (for example through brushing) would lead to damaging the surface, special caution was needed while working.
That is why the matrix cover was removed millimeter by millimeter with an airscribe under the binocular, without touching the layer containing the tracks. Step by step all covering matrix pieces could be removed and the tracks were completely exposed.
Fossil: Rhynchosauroides peabodyi
Locality: Winterswijk-Ratum (Neatherlands)
Formation: Triassic
Length of the plate: 15 cm
Collection: Rainer Albert
Work required: 4 hours