Revision of a Lituites

Before revision: rough preparation work, showing damages and inaccurate bonding
Before revision: rough preparation work,
showing damages and inaccurate bonding

After removing the glued part, the fossil and rock can be prepared properly
After removing the glued part, the
fossil and rock can be prepared properly

The fossil was glued in the right position and missing parts/imperfections have been filled up
The fossil was glued in the right position and
missing parts/imperfections have been filled up

The final result after revision-work
The final result after revision-work


For comparison: before (left) and after (right) revision-work
For comparison:
before (left) and after (right) revision-work

Is received this piece found in the erratics in a roughly prepared condition. Because Lituites are very rarely found in a well preserved condition it wa well worth it to rework this specimen.
The bonded joint of the elongated part of the cephalopode was not fitting correctly so it was dissolved. After reworking the surroundling matrix, the end piece was relocated its correct position and smaller imperfections were reconstructed. After the precision work and restauration the reworking of this piece was finished. The final piece offers a very natural and high end appearance.
Fossil: Lituites lituus
Locality: Erratics from the island of Rügen (Germany)
Formation: Ordovician
Length of the fossil: 14 cm
Work required: 3 hours