Scyphocrinites elegans

Before preparation

Upper section before preparation

Upper section after preparation

The finished specimen

Fossils of the crinoid Scyphocrinites from the Devonian of Morocco are world-famous and extremely popular due to their detailed preservation. In recent years, especially larger plates have become rare. Authentic material has always been in great demand, as these plates were not infrequently assembled from several pieces that did not originally belong together.
So I was all the more pleased to find that this plate is authentic and has not been assembled. I received it for further preparation. The plate had originally been only roughly exposed and many crinoid parts remained covered by matrix. These were to be completely exposed. The preparation was done almost exclusively using fine air abrasives. After the final exposure, finest details of the crowns as well as pinnules are now exposed.
Fossil: Scyphocrinites elegans (Zenker, 1833)
Locality: Area of Erfoud (Morocco)
Formation: Lower Devonian, Lochkovian
Length of the specimen: 54 cm (21.2 inches)
Work required: 27 hours