Nevadia weeksi

Before preparation: The trilobite lies on 2 plates, smaller fragments have already been secured
Before preparation: The trilobite lies on 2 plates,
smaller fragments have already been secured

Some parts need to be transferred from the negative
Some parts need to be
transferred from the negative

The matrix was harmoniously shaped and all parts glued
The matrix was harmoniously shaped and
all parts glued

The rough preparation is completed,
the fine work and minimal
restorations are still to be done
The rough preparation is completed,
the fine work and minimal restorations are still to be done

The finished specimen without finisher,
extra color or excessive restoration:
authentic and natural
The finished specimen without finisher, extra color or excessive restoration:
authentic and natural

This trilobite is a large specimen of the relatively rare Nevadia weeksi from the Lower Cambrian of Nevada. It was lying nicely prone on 2 plates and the negative was still largely present. The first step was to bring the matrix into a harmonious shape and glue the two pieces together. The parts from the negative were then transferred.
The preparation was relatively difficult because the separation was not that good. Nevertheless, all parts of the trilobite could be uncovered in detail. Smaller restorations, especially along the break, were carried out sparingly and without excessive color adjustment. No color enhancer or other sealing was applied. This specimen is quite natural and authentic. A special feature is the Opistothorax, which is rarely preserved. This work was carried out for – here you will find authentic fossils of high quality.
Fossil: Nevadia weeksi (Walcott, 1910)
Locality: Montezuma Ranch, Esmeralda County, Nevada (USA)
Formation: Lower Cambrian, Stage 3 Montenegro Member, Capito-Formation
Length of the Trilobite: 3.5 inch (9,1 cm)
Work required: 9 hours