Minicryphaeus giganteus

As-found-condition: the stone consists of 3 main pieces
the stone consists of 3 main pieces

Cross-section through the Minicryphaeus
Cross-section through the Minicryphaeus

After the first hours of preparation, it became clear
that the trilobite is nicely prone
After the first hours of preparation,
it became clear that the trilobite is
nicely prone

During the preparation work, the
pieces have been glued back together
During the preparation work, the pieces
have been glued back together

The finished specimen after 34 hours
of meticulous preparation
The finished specimen after 34 hours of meticulous preparation

This trilobite is a Minicryphaeus giganteus. This species has a very distinctive appendage and is quite popular amongst collectors. Perfectly preserved specimen are very rare and pieces for sale were often prepared very roughly and with haste.
Trilobites from this site are not easy to prepare, because the rock is usually very hard and does not separate well from the shell.
With this preparation I tried to uncover the trilobite as best as possible and additionally to reconstruct the appendage that was imbedded in an upwards curving position.
An extensive article describing this preparation process was published on and is available under the following link:
Fossil: Minicryphaeus giganteus
Locality: Jbel Oufaten (Morocco)
Formation: Devonian, Pragian, Ihandar-Formation
Length of the trilobite: 8,7 cm
Work required: 34 hours