
Before preparation

During preparation

The finished specimen

This piece is one of the most unique ammonite finds in the world. Four extremely rare specimens of the genus Metaderoceras, all on one slab. They all show extremely long, sunray-like spines. The shell preservation is excellent and offers a multitude of details that have to be carefully prepared out of the very hard rock. To avoid any damages, the preparation must be particularly careful and gentle.
The preparation is therefore very time-consuming. Rough work causes the rock to break in an uncontrollable manner. The shell also breaks easily, not to mention the completely crystallised spines. The rock is very sticky and hard. The fossils are mainly prepared using fine air abrasives so as not to damage the long and thin spines.
Fossil: Metaderoceras sp.
Locality: Iberian Peninsula
Formation: Lower Jurassic, Pliensbachian
Dimensions: approx. 26 x 15 cm
Amount of work: 160 hours
Collection: Raimund Albersdörfer and Kristin Erdmann
This piece is currently on display in the fantastic and absolutely unique “Ammonite Masterpieces” exhibition along with a whole series of other world-class ammonites in the Dinosaur Museum Altmühltal. It is also included in the exhibition’s illustrated book: a must for anyone with a passion for ammonites. The book can be purchased from the museum’s online shop.