
The fossil as found

After starting the preparation,
the ammonite is clearly visible

During preparation (1/3)

During preparation (2/3)

During preparation (3/3)

The finished specimen

This ammonite is an extremely rare representative of the genus Eoderoceras, which was discovered some time ago in Portugal. The shell preservation is excellent and offers a variety of details that have to be carefully worked out of the very hard rock. In order not to damage them, the preparation must be done particularly careful and gentle.
The preparation is therefore relatively time-consuming. Excessive stress causes the rock to break in a glass-like and uncontrolled manner. Likewise, the shell also breaks when too much pressure is applied. However, the rock is very tough and hard. The preparation is mainly done using fine air abrasives so as not to damage the long and thin spines. The characteristic spines stand out as a special feature of this genus.
Fossil: Eoderoceras bimaculatum
Locality: Portugal
Formation: Lower Jurassic, Pliensbachian
Diameter: 9 cm (3.54 inches)
Work required: 17 hours