
Positive before preparation

Negative before preparation

The trilobite is fully revealed,
the restoration work comes next

The finished specimen

Das Endergebnis nach 17-stündiger Präparation

Here is a trilobite, thats as rare as it is beautiful, which is especially known from the former famous sites of the German Eifel. This Asteropyge comes from Belgium and can absolutely compete with the trilobites from the Pelm Salmer Way in every aspect. The preservation of the shell is exquisite and shows not only the typical fine granulation but also quite a lot of pores, which contrasts nicely with the bright shell.
The preparation of the present piece proved to be difficult, as the shell was somewhat weathered and partially stuck in the negative. Therefore, some areas had to be transferred and/or secured. Minor missing parts, which occurred during the finding of the trilobite, were restored. The shell also proved to be extremely fragile, so great care had to be taken.
Fossil: Asteropyge sp.
Locality: Belgium
Formation: Middle Devonian
Length of the trilobite: about 5 cm (2 inches)
Work required: 16 hours
Collection: Benedikt Magrean