
Positive side before preparation

Negative side before preparation

During preparation

The finished specimen

Tuzoia is a rare arthropod from the upper to middle Cambrian. This specimen comes from the Balang Formation of China. This piece shows a net-like surface structure and has an enormous size.
The fossil is paper thin and separates extremely poorly from the surrounding rock. As it was found splitting the shale, parts of the fossil were in both the positive and negative. The Tuzoia therefore had to be transferred prior to exposure, which was quite a difficult challenge. Thanks to a close-fitting glue, the fossil could be prepared as planned. The extremely poor separation required a very careful approach and especially the detail work was time-consuming. After completion of the preparation work an absolutely perfect and unusually large specimen of this rare genus is shown.
Fossil: Tuzoia sp.
Locality: Hunan (China)
Formation: Cambrian stage 4, Balang Formation
Width of the fossil: 14 cm
Collection: York Yuxi Wang
Work required: 29 hours