Ogmasaphus costatus

Before Preparation 1/2

Before preparation 2/2

During preparation 1/2

During preparation 2/2

The finished specimen

This fossil is a rare and exceptionally exquisitely preserved Ogmasaphus costatus from the Ordovician period. It was found in a glacial erratic in northern Germany. Unfortunately, the left eye was lost. However, the phenomenal preservation quickly convinced the finder to have the trilobite prepared and the eye reconstructed.
Some damage on the left side, shocked shell and small cracks, were first secured, the trilobite then completely exposed and finally the eye reconstructed. The circumstances of the find as well as a more detailed description of the preparation can be read in “Der Steinkern” number 51.
Fossil: Ogmasaphus costatus JAANUSSON 1953
Locality: Plön gravel pit area (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)
Formation: Upper Ordovician, Ludibundus limestone
Length of the trilobite: 5,5cm
Work required: 8 hours
Collection: Jan Deppermann
The trilobite and its preparation were published in 2022 in “Der Steinkern” Number 51:
FREITAG, P. (2022): Augen-Rekonstruktion an einem Trilobiten der Gattung Ogmasaphus aus einem Ordovizium-Geschiebe des Plöner Kiesgrubengebiets, in: DER STEINKERN, Heft 51, S. 62-66. Link to the booklet: https://www.steinkern.de/inhaltsangaben/1417-heft51.html