Exceptional Quality: Ogmasaphus

Typical ordovician erratic as found - from the outside there is no fossil visible
Typical ordovician erratic as found
- from the outside there is no fossil visible

Cross-sections reveal the hidden trilobite:
you can see the Cephalon, right librigena and some pleuraes here
Cross-sections reveal the hidden trilobite:
you can see the Cephalon, right librigena
and some pleuraes here

The cross-section shows the pygidium
The cross-section shows the pygidium

All pieces were glued back together so the trilobite could be prepared step by step
All pieces were glued back together so the
trilobite could be prepared step by step

The result after the tedious preparation work was done
The result after the tedious preparation work was done

From my good friend Stefan Polkowksy I received a very promising unprepared trilobite from an erratic of northern Germany for preparation. Fully complete and well preserved trilobites are very rarely found in erratics. So this piece was an exceptional find , which accordingly needed to be prepared very carefully and with a lot of attention to detail.
Due to the half enrolled postion of the trilobite it was possible to create an intriguing final result. The closely lined up pleurea were treated especially careful and their tips are freestanding in a fan-like fashion.
Fossil: Ogmasaphus praetextus (TÖRNQUIST, 1884)
Locality: Coast near Rerik (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany)
Formation: Upper Ordovician, ludibundus-limestone
Width of the cephalon: 4.2 cm
Work required: 18 hours
The trilobite and its preparation were published in the Steinkern magazine, issue 35 in 2018:
FREITAG, P. (2018): Ogmasaphus praetextus aus einem Ludibunduskalk-Geschiebe von Rerik, in: DER STEINKERN, Heft 35, S. 19-26. Link zum Heft: https://www.steinkern.de/inhaltsangaben/1277-heft35.html